Also released yesterday was a developer diary by inFamous’ game director, Nate Fox. According to Fox, the DualShock 4 is going to be used in some “really cool ways to bring players even deeper into Second Son.”

Immersion is achieved by having the game make you interact with the controller in a way that mimics what’s happening to Delsin Row, the game’s protagonist. For example, in a mandatory scene, the game prompts you to press your index finger against the touchpad when Delsin is also forced to do the same. Other new mechanics include using the touch screen to make Delsin grab objects, use powers, or perform stealth takedowns.

The controller also has a built in speaker that Sucker Punch says they’ll use for several things, one of which are phone calls. When phone calls are received, the voices are projected from the controller’s built in speaker, making it sound more like an actual phone call.

inFamous: Second Son is looking good and is opening up the potential for the next generation of gaming. The title will hopefully be released in February of next year as a PlayStation 4 exclusive.