Zeroing in on Russia’s Leader Vladimir Putin, he said on Wednesday that it’s “a ruthless, unnecessary conflict – a conflict picked by one man, frankly”.

“An extremely durable individual from the Unified Countries Security Chamber attacked its neighbor, endeavored to delete a sovereign state from the guide,” he said.

“Just today, President Putin has conveyed plain atomic intimidations against Europe and a crazy dismissal for the obligations of the limitation system,” he said.

To guarantee that no nation would be able “hold onto a country’s domain forcibly”, Biden expressed “every one of us in this body not entirely settled to maintain the standards and convictions we promise to shield as individuals from the Unified Countries a” should be clear, firm, and unfaltering in our determination”.

“We will remain in fortitude with Ukraine. We will remain in fortitude against Russia’s aggression…,” he added.

Biden likewise got back to this most loved subject of “a majority rule government versus despotism”.

“The US – and I, as President – champion a dream for our reality that is grounded in the upsides of a majority rule government,” he said.

“The not entirely settled to safeguard and reinforce a vote based system at home and all over the planet since I accept a majority rules government remains humankind’s most prominent instrument to address the difficulties within recent memory,” he said.

Connected to the aftermath of the Ukraine war is the worldwide deficiency of foodgrains.

Biden said, “We’re approaching all nations to forgo prohibiting food products or storing grain while such countless individuals are languishing. Since in each country on the planet, regardless of what else partitions us, in the event that guardians can’t take care of their kids, pretty much nothing – nothing else has any significance.”