Imlie inquires as to whether she came to see darlings in trouble. Malini says she is getting a charge out of seeing her crying. Imlie inquires as to whether she abducted Cheeni. Malini inquires as to whether little Cheeni additionally left her, she assumed she is weeping for Aryan. She stands up to her that Imlie initially destroyed her life, then demolished Aryan’s life and killed her and Aryan’s child, and afterward brought a child from some place who likewise left her; how might Imlie endure such a lot of agony and life, so its better she dies. Meethi cautions her to leave. Malini asks her not to meddle. Meethi undermines her with a lathi/wooden adhered and cautions her to leave Pagdandiya for eternity. Malini says she additionally doesn’t have any desire to remain here and leaves. Imlie separates more and says she can’t lose Cheeni. Meethi says no one can grab Cheeni from her and solaces her.

Aryan stops his vehicle at an eatery. Cheeni additionally feels hungry. Aryan provides a food request and takes a gander at his and Imlie’s pic sitting tight for it. He figures he ought to focus on his work and gets going conversing with his representative. Chenei enters, quietly picks food, and eats it concealing under the table. Aryan asks server when will his request show up. Server says he just served his request and perhaps somebody took it. Aryan orders him to get another request and gets going over telephone once more. Chenei takes even that plate. Aryan flies off the handle on the server once more. Cheeni keeps food on a seat. Server says Aryan kept it on table and neglected. Aryan requests that he return to his work and gets going eating food. Cheeni takes Aryan’s portable to illuminate Meethi about her whereabouts. Meethi and Cheeni visit police headquarters to document Cheeni’s missing protest. Cheeni calls Meethi and illuminates her that she is determined to rejoin Imlie and Aryan and asks her not to educate Imlie. Meethi says Cheeni is concerned for her. Cheeni requests that she tell Imlie that Seeta maiya called her and informed that she want not stress as Cheeni is fit and fine. Meethi rehashes same To Imlie. Aryan drives vehicle back with Cheeni concealing in his vehicle. Malini calls him and communicates her craving to go with him to Delhi. He says he enjoys his own organization and separates call. Malini figures he didn’t appear to be in trouble which implies he has close to zero familiarity with Cheeni missing. She figures now Imlie and Aryan won’t meet as Cheeni due to whom they meet is absent. A pamplet of Cheeni’s missing falls on his vehicle’s windshield. Aryan escapes the vehicle and without perusing the pamplet discards it and notification windshield broken. He thinks this town broke a ton in his life and chooses to refix the windshield in Delhi.

Malini gets back. Anu feels blissful seeing her and asks how was the outing with Aryan. Imlie lets Meethi know that she will go to Seeta maiya and get some information about Cheeni. Meethi requests that she have food first or, more than likely she will implode. Imlie rejects. Meethi cries that even she needs to leave her like Chini and others left. Imlie solaces her. Malini requests that Anu quit connecting her up with Aryan and says her main goal is achieved at any rate, Imlie grabbed everything from her and made her alone, presently Imlie will acknowledge how it feels to be separated from everyone else. Meethi gets some information about Cheeni as she is fine. Imlie says she had her dadda to comfort her, whom will Cheeni go to. Aryan arrives at home and strolls in. Cheeni escapes vehicle and is entranced seeing a rich house.