The Auburn-based man, otherwise called CoinStar locally, was migrated shot absurdly inside his vehicle back in July 2018.

He was a very much adored man nearby and was open about being gay.

Regularly alluded to as the normal companion by many individuals in the neighborhood, experienced a shocking passing.

The insightful specialists didn’t burn through any an ideal opportunity to carry equity to the man and the case later saw the capture of a 18-year-old, Gregory Todd.

Bruce Frazier Aka CoinStar Murder Update: What Happened? An Auburn-based man, Bruce Frazier also known as CoinStar was killed back in July 2018.

His vehicle was found along W.E. Morton Avenue and inside was the dead group of Bruce, shot absurdly in his mind.

It required a couple of moments to find the vehicle and the 28-year-elderly person was quickly raced to the medical clinic.

The people group saw the disheartening section of their actual companion and aide, Frazier, following two days of treatment as the man capitulated to the injury.

A significant number of them shed tears for the late man as they grieved his death.

Seeing the passing of a popular individual, the police made certain to finish the examination and rebuff the liable straightaway.

Before long, the specialists charged Gregory Todd, age 18, for the homicide of Bruce.

Where Could Gregory Todd Today be? At the present time, Gregory Todd is detained at the Easterling Correctional Facility in Alabama.

Following the capture, Todd admitted with regards to the episode and revealed that Bruce had taken a gander at him with clear aims on numerous occasions before that day.

— Opelika Police Department (@OpelikaPD) February 23, 2022

He rejected any reasons and cautioned Frazier not to see him like that, to which the late man rebelled and did as such.

Upon the arrival of the episode, a verbal contention emerged among them before Todd started shooting fires towards Frazier.

Gregory conceded to the charges of homicide and endeavored murder and was condemned to 30 years and 25 years of detainment individually.

Other than that, he was likewise condemned to simultaneous 20 years in jail for different offenses.

He presently spends his days behind the bars as he anticipates the day of his parole booked for 2033.