He expressed that cutting edge ladies are not ready to stay in that frame of mind with a man who can’t uphold them monetarily. Ayebo went on by saying that he doesn’t help with family errands since it is contrary to the standards in his loved ones. Nonetheless, he asserted that he had helped his better half in establishing sweet potatoes and different yields so she wouldn’t need to make a trip far to get them.


He added that since he is “a big name”, assailants would attempt to hurt him assuming they see him in the market, in this manner he was unable to go to the market and purchase things for his better half.

“It’s not permitted in the family I came from,” he expressed.

“How could I should help my significant other with tasks? Why? I just established vegetables behind the house since I appreciate eating greens. Both toward the beginning of the day and around evening time, I water them. Moreover, I developed sweet potato and pepper. Essentially with that, I think I’ve helped her out a little so she will not need to venture out excessively far to gather any of these things”.

“Since I am renowned, they should deal with me like a ruler; an individual with a name resembles a lord. Somebody who is a VIP shouldn’t go to the store what not, similar as when you inquired as to whether I assist with tasks. The local fellows would then attack me before you could flicker assuming that individuals saw me in the market and said, “Look, the VIP came to purchase something in the market.”

— Abu Muzammil of Lagos (@iambelzeez) January 16, 2020

He examined his perspectives on whether ladies ought to help men monetarily in the home, contending that it is a lady’s liability to assist her better half and refered to instances of ladies in different nations who with making it a place of obligation to monetarily help their spouses.